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New: Prompter mode beta

Last year I received a feature request for autoscrolling on script pages. When using a script, unless you have everything completely memorized, you are reading off of a display or printout or something and having it automatically scroll gives you more hands free to do other things, and avoids noise. At the time I linked to a bookmarklet (which is a tiny javascript program you can put into a bookmark and then activate on any page).

This weekend I thought about doing something more with this. Autoscroll is a common feature of the devices known as prompters or teleprompters, commonly used in broadcast, where the text is scrolled by in a large legible font. Just putting autoscroll on the script page itself would not be very suitable.

So, instead, every script page now has a "🎙️Prompter" button, which takes you to a specialized version of the script page with a few features.

  • The layout is custom, with the text running more or less across the entire width.
  • The color scheme is set to be bright text on a dark background.
  • You can scale the font size with a slider.
  • You can override the font as per usual.
  • There is an arrowhead on the right-hand side. You can click/tap it to move it to 30% or 50% down the page.
  • When a line reaches the arrowhead, it becomes highlighted in yellow. When a line has scrolled past upwards, it fades out. As lines approach it from below, they fade in.
  • All line highlights can also be disabled from the arrowhead's options menu.
  • Another slider at the top gives an autoscroll setting.
  • When autoscroll is enabled, you can click a button to pause/resume autoscroll.
  • When autoscroll is enabled, you can click a button to jump back up a little bit.
  • There are spacers above and below the script so that the script text needs to scroll down a bit to reach the arrowhead, and so that the last line can scroll past it.
  • The exact layout changes a bit depending on the size of the screen or window; phones and tablets should be well taken care of. The best experience is likely achieved on a screen large enough to fit several lines.

The prompter mode is still in beta and has not seen much use in real life. I am eager to hear feedback for what could be done to make it work better.